Introduction- Judgement Day and the Eternal Damnation of the Wicked
There's only one supreme reality before the human species today: the eternal damnation and punishment of the wicked come Judgement Day.
Judgement Day is the appointed time for all sentient beings to stand before the Creator of the Universe. On this Day,
all men will be held to account for crimes committed during their short sojourn of life on Earth. It is also time for the Judgement of fallen angels. The righteous will be rewarded for steadfastly enduring the attacks and persecution directed against them throughout human history by evil men and fallen principalities. ALL has been written down in the eternal books on high. No act of harm, injustice or wickedness is omitted therein.
On Judgement Day, the wicked will be held to account for crimes committed against his fellow man. On that Day, they will all be forcibly cast into the Inferno of Hell to be BURNED therein as divine punishment for their evil works and actions while here on Earth. In Hell, they will be given a perfect retribution for transgressions committed against the poor, the innocent, the defenseless and the upright. Therein, their punishment in the divine prison of Hell will be everlasting and eternal. There will be No Escape, only supreme Vengeance against the wicked by a holy, just and righteous God.
Islam and the Holy Koran represent the final revelation given to Man by our Creator. It is the Holy Koran that primarily unveils the punishment that will be executed upon the ungodly come Judgement Day.
The Holy Koran represents the words and works of the Holy Spirit of God. It IS the Holy Spirit that will be bringing judgement, damnation and punishment to this evil, wicked and adulterous generation. It IS the Holy Spirit that will bind evil men's souls and fallen angels and cast them into Hell.
A 'fate worse than death' awaits the murderous, genocidal Jewish Rothschild filth who currently rule and reign on Earth.
Their dark power, temporal authority and presence shall be forever broken and the end of this most darkest hour before the Great Judgement.
Let us pray daily for their eternal death and destruction.
Let us implore the Father to BURN them ALL in Hell at the Judgement.
Let us seek the Father's will to give them no rest, no light, no mercy and to wipe them from off the face of this planet for the rest of eternity.
There will be NO Peace until the wicked perish.
Jonas the Prophet
Planet Earth